

Games are about experiences, and without the real life inspiration for those experiences what we create is pretty dull.  Compelled by a love for Science and a curiosity of the natural world, I'm fortunate enough to have explored the world, travelling to SCUBA dive in some of the most amazing places on the planet .  It is that curiosity of the world around me that fuels the creativity that goes into every one of my projects.

Design Philosophy

There is a little piece of us in everything we create.  The circumstances of our environment, like the biological principles underlying evolution, drive the creative process.  We draw on experiences we covet most, our personal golden age, to build the nursery for our ideas.  Creativity is extrapolated from understanding, understanding can only be achieved through interaction. Ask questions, take stuff apart, be curious.  Discover how stuff works at the fundamental level and don’t be afraid when it doesn’t.  Shaping and reshaping perspective and living in the now makes it interesting for those looking in, and keeps them looking in.